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Sunday, 21 June 2009


Anna Lloyd

Ahhh!!!!! THe mobile is adorable! I'm sure Ethan is too. Congratulations Aunty.


what a gorgeous mobile - he will love gazing up at that.
The nightingale in a nest does look a little toucan like, but he's not going to care, is he? maybe it's a rare type of nightingale, I'm sure I just saw one just like it fly past my window. Positive in fact. ;)


It's gorgeous. It's so nice to give (and receive) something homemade. I'm sure it will be well loved. The hippo and the elephant are my faves.


I love this mobile! What a clever idea to theme it to his name too! I'm expecting baby number three and am making my own mobile also.
I'm so glad I found your blog, it's so full of beautiful ideas, can't wait to see what happens next :)

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