Well, it's Thursday rather than Monday but I've had a hideous cold all week and have been tucked up in bed so I missed my Monday blogging day - blob! Oh well, here's a Thursday post and I should be back on track this Monday... touch wood. I've been thinking how it's strange that we don't give ourselves time out just to do as we please - like lounging around in bed for an entire day (well, some people might but I don't!). I have watched Matilda happily sleep all day sprawled out on the bed with her paws in the air. The only time I'm lying in bed for a day is when I don't feel well, otherwise I'd feel guilty that I'd wasted a whole day - what a shame that it's seen as a waste, rather than a chance to rejuveinate and recharge. Time out is so important really. I've also been thinking about immunity and how at this time of year I always get a cold - is it the change of seasons? At least this year I will have my annual cold out the way in time for...
The RSPCA Million Paws Walk! Hurrah!! It's only a week and a bit away and there's still time to register, or donate if you can't attend. We have our sneakers ready, we've sold the raffle tickets and we've started to prep Matty on good dog manners when out with hundreds of other pooches - although she will no doubt forget her manners when we get to the bbq breakfast tent and barge through all the other dogs waiting for tidbits. No doubt we'll get home after it all, full of yummy food and exhausted from all the fun... and Matty will be straight on the bed to sleep it all off. She's got it all worked out. No wonder dogs don't get colds!