Can we curl up on your pillow and fill your sleep with the soothing scent of lavender while you dream?
I really enjoy making these little cats - mostly from linen, recycled kimono and cotton scraps. I am trying to make a few 'gifty' type things to go with all the toys I'm dreaming of for the Made on the Left Market. Sorry to harp on about it but it really has been great motivation for me so far to actually make some of the things floating about in my head and it's given me something to stay focussed on - particularly while I count down the days in the job I'm in!!
If you love the RSPCA and/or you're looking for a fun day out and you live in Perth (or nearby!), the RSPCA are holding an Open Day & Fete on November 9th, with market and fete stalls and money going to a very important cause. More info here - all things bright & beautiful Open Day & Fete.
Thanks so much for the handy info left on my last post! I love how there's a whole community of people to help each other out and give support. Must get round to celebrating my blog anniversary soon to say thank you (I haven't forgotten!!!).