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Sunday, 09 March 2008



WOW! how wonderful !
looks like a fairytale, I bet this little girl will be inventing all kind of magical stories. I always dreamed of making a doll house but never thought of making it out of fabric, this is so cool.


it turned out so amazingly cute!

love all the details..
the little ladybug on the toadstool, Papa mouses belt, their bushy little tails, the little doormat, all the cute fabric, the little whiskers...

i think you may have just won aunty of the year award :)

Catherine L Owen

love it and want to make one - i used to read jean greenhouse books as a child and wondered if i would ever be able to sew that neatly lol !

may we trade blog links? i have enjoyed my visit here today

cat xxx


Wow, that is amazing! I think I would have a hard time giving that away - I'd want to keep it for myself! I will have to look out for that jean greenhowe book.


The Dormouse House is absolutely gorgeous. What an amazing gift of love and creativity. You're definitely top runner for favourite Aunty I'm sure.
(Of course if you are the only Aunty, this might be a given anyway... but you know what I mean!)

Kimmie K

That is too adorable! I love it! And I love your Jaunty cat.

the Littlest Craft Shop

What a wonderful creation. I love the little pink chairs.

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