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Wednesday, 30 January 2008



Oh! Amelie is my favouritist name ever!! I bet she will just love this little mouse and his little house. So adorable!:-)


thanks rebecca!! The thread is lovely isn't it...it's actually the weft from a gorgeous silk fabric my friend Mel gave me. I think I'm going to have to beg her for more as my supply is slowly diminishing :-( You need an embroidery foot for your machine to do letters and such, and you need to lower the feed dogs so you can manipulate the fabric or paper in any direction as you sew.


Oh my gosh...I had no idea dormice were that cute! I can't wait to see what you come up with for a pattern!


That doormouse is extremely adorable. Did you ever see the photo a posted of a gerbil.



Oops, I forgot to mention the baby gerbil photo was sourced from google. I wasn't fortunate enough to have held one myself.

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