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Monday, 07 January 2008



Hi! Just popped by to say a BIG thank you for mentioning my blog on your blog! Your comments were just lovely!
Wishing you a happy creative new year full of blessing.


ahhh, thankfully the heat is subsiding! Luckily being south of Perth we are a little cooler! But boxing day I was in Perth and stuck on the freeway when they closed it off!! NOT nice!
I was reading some older posts and am so jealous of your bookclub! Ever since we moved down south it was one of my goals to start or join one, but sadly it hasn't eventuated yet! Maybe I need to get more proactive.
Drag all your craft stuff into the lounge room...thats what I did when I didn't have a studio for 12 months...and a box to throw it all into and hide in a corner!! :-)

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